Our Core Values
Gospel Urgency
Jesus Christ is treasured above all else and held out as the hope of the world. We seek to share God's love next door and around the world.
Priority of Scripture
The Bible is God’s holy Word. Unique and infallible, the ancient words of Scripture reveal the truth and guide us along the path of life; helping us as the Holy Spirit enables to practice wisdom and encourage one another.

Spirit-Led Worship
With a high regard for the historic faith and a determined refusal to make idols of tradition or personal preference, we seek to follow the Spirit’s leading through worship that connects and values every generation.
Focused Prayer
We pray with a desperate dependence on God; whole-heartedly believing God hears and responds. Our practice of prayer is both individual and gathered but always focused and directed toward the God who hears and answers with grace and mercy.
Incarnational Presence
Nothing replaces personal presence. God demonstrated his love by coming to us, taking on the form of humanity. We follow Jesus into the brokenness and messiness of the world to do what we can wherever we can to care for others and share the Gospel.
People and Relationships
God’s love is for everyone. This love is expressed through "come as you are" acceptance. Every person regardless of appearance, background, or experiences matters because every person bears the indelible image of God. We are in this together.

Every Member Ministry
Every person has a place and every follower of Christ is uniquely gifted by God to serve. Enabled by the Holy Spirit we work to help everyone discover and use their gifts to serve and find fulfillment in God’s family.
Life Transformation
In Christ is found both newness of life and the highest and clearest example for loving and following God. Yet we know everyone is at a different place on life’s journey. We seek to be a place where imperfect people encounter the love of God first-hand; and 'come as you are' acceptance becomes the catalyst for a changed life.
Our Beliefs
The Bible
The sole basis of our belief is the Bible. The scripture in its entirety is composed of the 66 books of the Old and New Testament, which originated with God, and was given through many different chosen authors. (Inspired)
We believe that there is one true, living, holy God, who exists eternally in the Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus was miraculously conceived, born of a virgin, living a sinless life. Christ was fully man and fully God, walked our earth, lived a life of obedience, suffered at the hands of men and died on the cross. He fully paid for the sins of all. Jesus was resurrected and throned at God's right hand as our Intercessor.
Holy Spirit
We believe that the believer receives God's Spirit at salvation and it is the Holy Spirit that empowers the believer to walk in obedience and further surrender to God in their daily life.
The purpose of God's revelation in Scripture is to call all people into fellowship with Himself:
- We were specially created by God for a relationship with him, but are lost apart from God’s redeeming grace.
- Each person can be made new in Christ by the Holy Spirit and can then continuously grow in the knowledge of God.
- Salvation is totally a work of God's free grace, received by repenting of our sins and having faith in Christ alone for our salvation.
The Christian Life
God desires that we walk closely with him and grow in our Christian life.
1) A genuine saving relationship with Jesus Christ is evidenced in a life of holiness and obedience, attained by believers as they yield to the Holy Spirit.
2) As believers submit more fully to the Lordship of Christ, the Holy Spirit releases the power that enables the believer to be totally dedicated to God.
The Church
We believe that all believers become members with one another in the church universal with Christ as the Head. God's people who acknowledge Jesus as Savior and Lord should meet regularly to devote themselves to prayer, fellowship, worship, study, observations of baptism and communion, the edification of the body, discovery, and development of spiritual gifts and active ministry to the world.
Human Destiny
We believe the Scriptures clearly teach that there is a conscious personal existence after death described as follows:
1) All dying without Christ will suffer eternally, while those in Christ will enjoy eternal blessedness.
2) Christ will return to judge the world, receive the saved and rule the world in righteousness.
Faith and Practice
Scripture is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice. This church seeks to impact the community by accurately interpreting doctrinal truth for the benefit and growth of the seeker and the believer.
Interested in learning more about the Wesleyan Denomination? Visit www.wesleyan.org/about
Worship/Music Ministry
Welcome to Faith Wesleyan Church, where we're all about living out that New Testament spirit! One thing we're passionate about? Authentic, Spirit-anointed worship.
Get ready to groove with us! Our tunes are contemporary Christian, packed with energy and melodies that'll have you singing along in no time. We believe music is a game-changer—it's how we plug into God and pour out our love for Him.
Join the party as we create an atmosphere of celebration and joy! Here, it doesn't matter who you are or where you're from—everyone's invited to experience the presence of God together. Let's make some noise and feel the spirit move!