Welcome to 180 COLLEGE!
We are the college ministry at Faith Church for emerging adults. Whether you are fresh out of high school, enrolled in college, or in the workforce, you can find your home with us. Come pursue Jesus alongside like-minded young people who will push you to grow out of comfort and into where God is leading!
This time in life is critical and full of questions, transitions, changes, and trials. The good news is – you don’t have to go through it alone! Being a part of 180 College means that you will make friends, who will become family, and will push you to look more like Jesus as they pray for you and with you as you discover the plan and calling that God has for your life. God has a specific purpose designed for your life, and we want to champion that calling while watching you transform into who He has created you to be.
We have a weekly Bible study small group on Wednesday nights at 6pm at Faith Church. This is a great opportunity to dive into the Word of God, share testimonies with peers, and get revelation that will push your faith to the next level.
180 College loves to have fun! We have fellowship events that give us the opportunity to build deeper relationships with one another and spur each other on in our walks with Jesus (and have a blast while doing it!). From game nights to impromptu late-night gatherings to worship nights, we want to create an atmosphere where this generation can have fun and love Jesus together!
No matter where you are in your walk with God, we would love to have you become a part of our 180 College family. We want to pursue God, embrace the uncertainties and changes of life, and discover who we are called to be – together. Come join us and let’s watch this generation fall in love with Jesus!