Our Worship Service

Our Contemporary Service With Worship & Impactful Message


You Are Always Welcome

You are home: The Scripture tells us that we are part of one family, the family of God. No one here is perfect. In fact, we embrace that. We embrace new families every week as we learn what it means to be part of God’s family.

We want you! You are God’s masterpiece and you are loved. So come as you are. No need to put on the jacket and tie; or get a new dress. Engage with our other families as we walk through life together.

Relevant and Engaging

Expect practical teaching that engages the mind and heart. We believe the Bible is both timeless and timely; and speaks to the issues of our day.

Expect music that reflects both contemporary and traditional, but blended in a tasteful manner. Service flow is designed to maximize engagement with the Holy Spirit.

Expect families to be themselves. No one is perfect. Come as you are and be ready to be embraced as one of our own – no strings attached.

Expect the unexpected. No two Sundays are ever the same because each week is a fresh encounter with God and his transforming love. We serve a God of the impossible.

Pastor Steve at Faith Church